I like to use a combination of Brave and Kagi searches, however on iOS you can't install your own search engines. This article describes how I managed to set up search behavior in Safari on iOS to my own liking.
window.stop(); document.body.innerHTML = ""; var w = ((/q=([^&#=]*)/.exec(window.location.search))[1]).split("+"); if (w[0] === "k") { w.shift(); window.location.replace("https://kagi.com/search?q=" + w.join("+")); } else { window.location.replace("https://search.brave.com/search?q=" + w.join("+")); }
var swke = document.getElementById("searchWithKagi"); if (!swke) { var q = /q=([^&#=]*)/.exec(window.location.search)[1]; var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var kagi = document.createElement("div"); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = "https://kagi.com/search?q=" + q; link.innerHTML = "Search with Kagi"; kagi.appendChild(link); kagi.style.background = "yellow"; kagi.style.textAlign = "center"; kagi.style.padding = "10px"; kagi.id = "searchWithKagi"; body.insertBefore(kagi, body.firstChild); }
You should be good to go now.